Touristic highlights - Ferienwohnungen Wein und Stein Bad Gandersheim

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Touristic highlights

Rund um Bad Gandersheim > Touristic Attractions

                        Map of geografical units round Bad Gandersheim

On the following pages we like to inform you about the touristic highlights of our town and of our region.

There are a lot of attractions beginning with interesting historical buildings - unique in its context within Germany. There are famous names as Hildesheim or Göttingen, or world heritage towns as Goslar or Quedlinburg but not at least also to town of Roswitha - Bad Gandersheim.

The central situation of Bad Gandersheim in the middle of Germany shows a lot of geografical highlights and different natural areas. Harz
or the Solling mountains are worth a travel as also the Weser and Leine rivers withe their surrounding hills.

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